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Installation of Sewage Treatment Plant along with manufacturing of STP Compact Sewage Treatment Plants Manufacturer in Delhi NCR
“An effective Sewage Treatment Plant is based on biological activity of microorganisms - bacteria and solubility of oxygen ”
Leading Manufacturer of STP with MBBR MBR Sewage Treatment Plant

contact us for Sewage Treatment Plants STP
New Delhi NCR India
0091 97 11 43 2204
Sewage filtration system
Sewage treatment unit
Mini sewage treatment plant
Compact sewage treatment plant
Manufacturer Supplier and distributor
Installation and commissioning of STP
Low Cost STP
“An effective Sewage Treatment Plant is based on biological activity of microorganisms - bacteria and solubility of oxygen ”
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Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer
Richa Environmental offer result oriented design of Sewage Treatment Plants also known as STP ( Sewage Treatment Plant )
Cost effective and low power consuming Sewage Treatment Plant is our expertise, based on proper conditioning of Biological factors ie MLSS MLVSS yield coefficient F/M Ratio
We offer our Clients Sewage Treatment Plants ( STP ) / Domestic water and Waste Water Treatment Plant that meet their issues regarding wastewater generations in Industrial , Institutional and Commercial Sectors. Our solutions include independent review of alternative technologies , troubleshooting , investigations, , consultant support and Cost effective and efficient STP in Low cost we provide the best Sewage Treatment Plant. Our Company Richa Environmental Services Private Limited provide the most recent and advanced technologies to our clients using chemical and biological process. Sewage Treatment Plant ( STP ) Technologies such as / Types of sewage treatment plant
Submerged Aerated / Aerobic Fixed Film (SAFF) Reactor for lower operation and maintenance costs
Fluidized Aerated Bio (FAB) Reactor Easy installation
MBBR Moving Bed Bioreactor
Membrane Bioreactor MBR
Bio-Reactors (Aerobic & Anaerobic) and many more
Role of microorganisms in Sewage Treatment Plant / Activated Sludge Process
Principal Microorganism involved in breaking down organic matter in wastewater : Single Celled Bacteria . Bacteria adsorb to wastewater solids and produce enzymes which break down organic solids into nutrient form , that is absorbed into cell . Other microorganisms like fungi , protozoa, algae , rotifers and nematodes are also important in biological treatment . Bacteria grows in many shapes : round shape , rode shape , spiral shape , comma shape or budding shape. Bacteria are small 0.5 - 1.0 microns by 1..0 - 5.0 microns , single celled Protista , pH required in between 6.5 to 9.0 for optimal growth of the bacteria . These bacteria are aerobic anoxic or anaerobic . Majority bacteria used in activated sludge are facultative .
We manufactuer for our Clients Sewage Treatment Plants / Domestic water and Waste Water Treatment Plant that meet their issues regarding wastewater generations in Industrial , Institutional and Commercial Sectors. We are the supplier manufacturer and distributor of different types of Sewage Treatment Plant ( STP ) which include Packaged STP , Underground Sewage Treatment Plant , RCC , Compact STP Plant , Double Decker , plants , as per the site conditions and requirement of the clients